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Unknown acquisition price simulator

  • When reporting real estate transfer income, if you are unsure of the acquisition price and would like to know it

  • When you want to know the acquisition price of inherited real estate when reporting after transferring the property and the acquisition price is unknown

  • Simulation when the acquisition price of a property purchased in the past is unknown

If you have previously purchased real estate such as land or an apartment, and then sold it and filed your tax return, you may have lost the purchase contract and be unable to determine the past price. In this case, you can claim an approximate acquisition cost of 5% of the selling price.
Depending on the year the property was purchased, the actual acquisition cost may be around 5% of the selling price.
You can roughly simulate past prices for both land and condominiums.

*Notes on simulation

The simulation index uses the national average index, and the index differs for each region (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Hokkaido, Kyushu, etc.), and individual prices differ.
The simulated index is an average for residential areas across the country, and the index varies for commercial, residential, and industrial areas, and individual prices vary.

Land acquisition price unknown

Please select a purchase year that is earlier than the sale year.

Please select the year of purchase


Please select the year of sale


Please enter the sale price

Ten thousand yen

Acquisition price estimated based on past revisions



In the case of a declaration after a sale, when the purchase price is unknown, 5% of the transfer price becomes the acquisition price.



If you require documentation based on detailed indexes by area and use (commercial, residential, industrial) or regarding past prices, please use the Real Estate Acquisition Cost Certification service provided by a real estate appraiser.

Regarding the past prices of condominiums, if there are any transaction examples for the year of acquisition, we will assess the past prices based on those transaction examples.

Apartment acquisition price unknown

Please select a purchase year that is earlier than the sale year.

Please select the year of purchase


Please select the year of sale


Please enter the sale price

Ten thousand yen

Acquisition price estimated based on past revisions



In the case of a declaration after a sale, when the purchase price is unknown, 5% of the transfer price becomes the acquisition price.



Image by Owen Michael Grech

Free phone consultation, in office consultation, or consultation through web meeting. Please contact us for a fee quote.

Business hours: 9:00 to 18:00 (regular holidays Sundays and public holidays)


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