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Real  property appraisal report service fee and procedures

I-2 Real property appraisal report procedures

1.Free phone consultation, in office consultation,  or consultation through web meeting

2.Consultation at our office or your office

3.If you ask us to appraise real property after the consultation, please notify us. We send the contract to you.

4.Please sign on it and send it  to us by FAX or e-mail (PDF). We conclude the contract after we sign on the contract on which  you have signed

5.On-site visual inspection

6.After on-site visual inspection, we start to appraise real property.  10 days after on-site visual inspection, we report the appropriate valuation amount to you as an interim report. Based on the interim report, please consider whether you move forward or cancel the contract. If you cancel the contract, cancellation fee is ¥30,000 JPN (consumption tax is  included).

7.Real property appraisal report is submitted to you 11 days after we submit the interim report to you.

8. If you have additional questions after our submission of the report, we will do the additional task for free as long as the basic elements of appraisal such as the date of value, basis of value, basis of rent is not changed.

9.Information  below is needed(information needed depends on the scope of the work);

  1. Information such as building address  or parcel  number to identify the subject property.

  2. Property tax notice

  3. Location map

  4. Registry

  5. Official map

  6. Survey map

  7. Building drawings

  8. Building confirmation certificate

  9. Pamphlet at the time of sales

  10. Property insurance

  11. Sewer piping diagram

  12. Public sewer ledger

  13. Gas piping diagram

  14. History of building repair, repair schedule, or Engineering report

  15. Buyer-seller contract document

  16. Lease agreements

  17. Rent roll

  18. In case of  condominium, information about floor area calculated by using the center line of wall

Image by Owen Michael Grech

Free phone consultation , in office consultation,  or  consultation through  web meeting.   Please contact  us for  a fee quote.

Business hours: 9:00 to 18:00 (regular holidays Sundays and public holidays)

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